Kent State Trumbull's Building Black Leaders Program Registration
Join the Building Black Leaders Program TODAY by filling out the below registration form.

Membership gives you:
1) Access to our Cultural ClubHouse (#147) & Study Room ($143b) in Student Services Building.
2) Invites to socials, cultural events, professional development, etc.
3) Support and resources for academic success.
4) Potential scholarships and grants (for current and incoming students).

For more information, check out and IG page, kenttrumbull_bbl.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First and last name *
Preferred name
Birthday (month/day) *
Residence (city, state) *
Kent email *
Cell phone number *
Major (if not sure, write exploratory) *
Food allergies or intolerances? *
T-shirt size *
School status *
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