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OFSHEEA Mentorship Program Registration Form
If you are interested in being part of the OFSHEEA Mentorship program for the second semester please complete the following form. This program is open to members of OFSHEEA only. If you aren't currently a member but would like to be part of the program please consider joining.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Please confirm your OFSHEEA membership.
Yes, I have registered as a member of OFSHEEA for the 2022-2023 school year.
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What school board do you work for?
Your answer
What school and location (eg. city/town) do you work in?
Your answer
What areas of Family Studies do you teach? (select all that apply)
Food and nutrition (HFN, HFC, HFA)
Fashion and housing (HNL, HNC, HNB, HLS)
General Family Studies (HIF, HHS, HHD, HHG, HIP)
Raising and Caring for Children (HPW, HPD, HPC)
What role would you like in the mentorship program?
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If you would like to be a mentor, how do you envision this role, and what supports would you need from OFSHEEA to be successful?
Your answer
If you would like to be a mentee, how do you envision this role, and what supports would you need from your mentor?
Your answer
Do you have any other comments or suggestions as we start this program?
Your answer
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