LMLA Field Referee Game Feedback
** FOR USE BY REFEREES to provide constructive feedback post game on areas where Coaches and Teams did well or need to improve as part of Honouring the Game!  Responses are confidential and shared with LMLA Executive Board and PCFLL Head Ref and the aggregate info is used to help Coach our Coaches.  Thank you!
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Email *
Your Name: *
Game Date: *
Game Time: *
Game Number:
Division: *
Tier *
HOME Team *
AWAY Team: *
Other Home or Away
Add Names of Teams Home or Away if not listed in above dropdown
Are you reporting issues with this game? *
IE significant issues with rules of play, code of conduct, behaviour, etc of the coaches, players or spectators?
Rate HOME Team & Coaches *
Rate from your perspective as a referee in this game
Good-no issues!
Fair-few/minor issues
Not good-frequent issues
Abusive-major issues
Coach respectful & sportsmanlike
Coach communication with own team
Coach control of bench/players
Coach appeared to understand rules
NO Questioning/influencing calls/running commentary
Players respectful & sportsmanlike
Spectators respectful & sportsmanlike
HOME TEAM ISSUES - if you noted any above please provide details on what you encountered in game:
Rate AWAY Team & Coaches *
Rate from your perspective as a referee in this game
Good-no issues!
Fair-few/minor issues
Not good-frequent issues
Abusive-major issues
Coach respectful & sportsmanlike
Coach communication with own team
Coach control of bench/players
Coach appeared to understand rules
NO Questioning/influencing calls/running commentary
Players respectful & sportsmanlike
Spectators respectful & sportsmanlike
AWAY TEAM ISSUES - if you noted any above please provide details on what you encountered in game:
Other General Comments or Feedback
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