ElectricEidolon's Commissions
All prices are USD. Payments are taken through PayPal only, please.

By completing this form, you are inquiring about a commission; you are not obligated to pay for a commission by filling out this form alone. Payment will not be taken until both parties are in agreement and a PayPal Invoice is sent to you.

I will draw: Humans, ferals, furries, mechas, etc
I will draw: SFW, NSFW (but please ask first as there are various NSFW topics I am not willing to draw)

All payment must be received before the commission is to start-- EXCEPT in the case of orders totaling > $100, in which a payment plan may be agreed upon.

WIPs can be provided if desired.

Depending on the type of commission, turnaround is generally within a month.

ALL SLOTS ARE LIMITED; if you can see this form, there are slots still open.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at ElectricEidolon@gmail.com

Thank you so much for your interest in commissioning me!
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