2023 Siggraph Thesis Fast Forward Submission Form
The SIGGRAPH Thesis Fast Forward is a unique forum for Ph.D. students in computer graphics to present their great research and connect with a senior researcher in their area. This year, submitters should prepare a 3-minute video that summarizes their Ph.D. topic and results. After reviewing, the final videos will be assembled and published online. We are planning to organise a physical event at Siggraph 2024, during which the submitters who can attend Siggraph will have a chance to present their fast forward in person.

Any computer graphics student who expects to graduate in the next ~1.5 years or graduated less than a year ago can submit!

Submission deadline: 1st of October 2023

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Name *
E-mail *
Institution *
Link to submitted video (streaming or to download) *
Research Area in Computer Graphics *
PhD topic *
Interested to present in an in person event (if can be organised) *
Member of the community you would like to review your work (Optional)
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