Two Exclusive Concert Fundraisers for Kamala Harris

Women from Broadway to Silicon Valley are combining forces to bring New York City two exclusive concert fundraisers in support of Kamala Harris’ campaign. Both performances will celebrate women’s unique ability to inspire, create and transform. Audiences will experience the beauty, strength and joy of focused female collaboration as we put a woman on the brightest stage of all: the White House. The shows will be held on September 25th at City Winery NYC, and September 30th at Racket NYC.

Due to FEC regulations, we unfortunately cannot use City Winery or Racket NYC's ticketing links to accept donations.

Should you have any questions as you're filling out this form, please don't hesitate to reach out to Justine at

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(note: donation amounts range from $25 per ticket to $1,000 per ticket depending on requested access levels):
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