Accelerated Career Training - ACT
As part of membership requirements, All 5 modules of ACT must be taken - They do not have to be taken all at once. We realize that due to scheduling, you may have to take missed mods in another class.
ACT classes can also be taken as "review" by existing members and you can take all or just the classes you need. Prerequisite for take ACT, is to join one of our operating committees.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Date of Signup Request *
Pick the ACT modules you would like to take *
Provide your contact details - First Name *
Provide your contact details - Last Name *
Provide your contact details - email address  Preferably the one you use for your job search activities *
Provide your contact details - cell phone #, if you don't have one please provide alternative phone number *
ACT attendees are required to Join a Committee. This information will be verified with the joined committee's Director, Please pick which committee you have joined: *
Comments: (optional) Please provide us with any additional information you wish to share with us
Thank you for registering - you will receive a confirmation from the registrar, but will not get your registration materials until about 1 week before the class is scheduled.
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