Académie Lafayette Enrollment interest form 21-22
Please complete this form to receive updated information about enrollment dates, tours, information sessions, and open houses.
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Would you like information on future open houses (may be online)?
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To provide you with the best information please respond to this question: What year is your child eligible to attend AL? (Child must be 5 prior to Sept. 1st the year starting kindergarten or must be 4 prior to Sept. 1st the year starting pre-k.)
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What grade you are interested in enrolling? Please note French knowledge is required only for grades 2-8.
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Child(ren) First Name(s)
Child(ren) Last Name(s)
Guardian First Name(s)
Guardian Last Name(s)
Guardian Email(s)
Telephone number
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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