DeepCast Pro - We're Here To Help
DeepCast - Podcasting Supercharged. Intelligent search, in-depth episode insights, & sharing across networks. DeepCast Pro - You make the shows—let us help with what comes after. tldr; on us: We're building DeepCast Pro for podcasters with the following in mind: Help listeners...Find you, Try you, Stay with you, Engage with you, Advocate for you AND identify net-new income & identify force multipliers for your business and show. (Long form manifesto.)

ALL RESPONSES WILL REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL & WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED: We don't intend on publishing your response anywhere—not aggregated into published analysis, not shared with Podnews, not posted as customer quotes on our website. 

(We're collecting your email to correlate it with your podcast's owner/author email value in the your RSS feed.)
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Email *
YOUR ROLE: What's your role on your show(s)?
We know some folks wear all hats and others are part of a strong team, so check any all job functions applicable.
OPPORTUNITY-COST: What are the most tedious and/or time-consuming parts of a given episode's lifecycle? [PICK TOP 3]
Think cost savings and operational efficiency. Or think friction, rote repetition, complex workflows, limited ROI.
  1. Planning & Pre-production: Choosing the topic, researching, securing & scheduling guests, preparing questions or scripts, coordinating recording setup.

  2. Ad Sales & Placements: Contacting sponsors, negotiating rates, determining ad placement (pre/mid/post-roll), preparing ad copy.

  3. Recording, Editing & Post-Production: Capturing audio, editing content, adding music/effects, mixing and mastering for quality.

  4. Creating Metadata: Writing episode title, description, show notes, generating transcripts, preparing episode artwork.

  5. Publishing & Distribution: Uploading to hosting platform, inputting metadata, scheduling release, ensuring distribution across podcast directories.

  6. Promotion & Marketing: Sharing on social media, sending newsletters, updating show website, creating teasers, collaborating with guests for cross-promotion.

  7. Analytics & Measurement: Monitoring downloads, tracking listener retention, analyzing audience demographics, evaluating channel performance.

  8. Feedback & Listener Engagement: Responding to comments, collecting reviews, considering audience suggestions, refining future content based on feedback.

Again, please pick the Top 3 most tedious and/or time-consuming stages.
WHO DOES WHAT: Who does the work stages below: me/my team, outsourced to agency/studio/service to do/manage, or a combination of both—or maybe that the stage isn't done at all (yet).
Not Done
Planning & Pre-production
Ad Sales & Placements
Recording, Editing & Post-Production
Creating Metadata & Collateral
Publishing & Distribution
Promotion & Marketing
Analytics & Measurement
Feedback & Listener Engagement
WHERE TO INVEST: In your opinion, which of these stages offers the greatest opportunity for software service providers to increase overall efficiency or effectiveness on you and your show's behalf? [PICK TOP 3]
Think revenue and reach upside. Think scale, impact, profitability. Most of the rest of this survey focuses on streamlining, automating, efficiency, throughput. This one is about highest cost-benefit / highest ROI opportunities.
EFFECTIVE MARKETING: Which are your show’s highest ROI marketing channels & strategies today [PICK TOP 3]
REVENUE TODAY: Which monetization strategies are most lucrative for you today?
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REVENUE TOMORROW: Which monetization strategy would you most like to invest in or experiment with? *
SUCCESS: Which podcast(s) do you consider best-in-class for distribution, marketing and discovery? And why?
MAGIC WAND #1: If you could wave a wand and get service or software providers to make a change to their offering, what would you wish for? 
This could be SaaS providers, agencies/studios, ad ecosystem players—anyone who helps you make your show a reality and get it into the ear of (the right, and the most) listeners.
MAGIC WAND #2: If you could wave a wand and get podcatchers to make a change to their app/platform, what would you wish for?
This could be Spotify, Apple, YouTube, OverCast, Castro, Pocket Casts...any or all!
DEEPCAST PRO: Would you like to learn more about our nascent DeepCast Pro creator platform as part of a private beta?
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