Uzazi Village Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for you interest in volunteering with Uzazi Village! We are so thankful to have the support of our community members!

All Uzazi Village volunteers MUST undergo a volunteer orientation prior to beginning volunteer work at Uzazi Village. Volunteer orientation trainings are offered on a monthly basis.

Visit our events calendar (  to find the most up to date volunteer training calendar.

Please fill out the below volunteer interest form to be reviewed by our Community Outreach Coordinator, Chad Onianwa ( Feel free to reach out to Chad with any questions regarding volunteering opportunities.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Mobile Phone *
Zip Code
Previous Volunteer Experience (if any)
Why are you interested in volunteering with Uzazi Village?
Please list any special skills that you possess that will support Uzazi Village's programs
Interests: Please tell us in which areas you are interested in volunteering (Select all that apply) *
How did you hear about Uzazi Village?
Chad Onianwa, Community Outreach Coordinator, will be in contact with you next steps regarding volunteer training orientation dates.
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