Ridgewood Inquiry Log

Immersion Montessori School at Ridgewood Campus, located at 210 S. Broad St., Ridgewood, NJ, offers a nurturing and immersive language learning environment for young children. Our center operates from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., providing before and after care to meet the needs of busy families.

At Ridgewood Campus, children are guided through their daily routines in Spanish, promoting independence and autonomy in a language-rich setting. The thoughtfully designed classrooms encourage children to explore their world naturally, driven by their intrinsic motivation to learn through meaningful interactions in multiple languages.

Enrollment is open for children ages 1.5 to five years, offering a full language immersion experience. Our program fosters holistic development, integrating cultural themes and interdisciplinary enrichment lessons that align with each child’s developmental stage.

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