Circular Economy in the New Zealand Built Environment
Thank you for participating in this anonymous survey. This questionnaire is designed to assess the extent of awareness among practitioners, and identify the barriers and enablers associated with the adoption of circular economy (CE) in the New Zealand construction industry.

This is an anonymous questionnaire that has been designed to ensure that individual participants are not identifiable. Your participation is entirely voluntary. You may decline to answer any questions. By completing and returning this questionnaire, you have given implied consent to participate in this study and to the subsequent reports and publications from this study. All the collected data from this questionnaire will be stored securely in Ara data repository and can only be accessed by the researchers. The raw data will be destroyed after 12 months.

This project is approved and supported by Ara Institute of Canterbury (Christchurch Polytechnic).


Dr. Serdar Durdyev - Construction Management, Ara Institute of Canterbury (Christchurch Polytechnic) -

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Respondent's Profile
Q1) How many people does your organisation employ on average per year? *
Q2) Which item best describes your type of construction work in the industry? (Please select one item) *
Q3) Which item best describes the role of your organisation in construction projects? (Please select one item) *
Q4) How long have you been employed in the construction industry? *
Q5) Which of the following categories best describe your current position in the organisation? (Please select one item) *
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