East River Nursery Order Form                                               Potentilla-Cinquefoil
Use this form to place your order for shrubs from our wide selection.  Orders placed by 10:00 am, Monday-Saturday, are usually available by the end of that day, depending on availability of the items.  We will gather the items selected and then call you to confirm the order.  You can pay with your credit card and pick them up curbside.  

If you need larger sized quantities for items, or have questions about availability, you can call the store directly at 605-352-4414 or email at erivernursery@hur.midco.net.

Please keep in mind that product availability will depend on inventory levels and time of year.  We cannot control product shortages that may occur, due to shipping or growing delays.

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May we substitute another similar product if your selection is not available?
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When would you like to pick up your order?  Shrubs are usually ready by the end of April or beginning of May, depending on the weather.  You can give an approximate date and we'll keep you posted on when they items are ready.  Please add special instructions in the comment section.
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Potentilla Dakota Sunspot #2 Container $42.99 78531
Row 3
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COMMENT BOX - If you need quantities other than what our order sheet has available, please tell us what you need in the comments box.  
Potentilla Dakota Sunspot-One of the few hardy shrubs that blooms all summer long with bright yellow flowers.  Make sure to prune back at least 1/2 way in the spring on a yearly basis to keep the new growth coming and flowers blooming  3' High x 3' Wide
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