My Angel Lives Board Member Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a  Board Member of 501c3 My Angel Lives. Please complete this form and submit it for review.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Preferred Email Address *
Gender *
Race *
Have you served on an advisory or board of directors before?
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If yes, where did you serve?
If yes, how long did you serve on the board or as an advisory memeber? *
Do you currently serve as a board or advisory member? *
If so, please list the organizations or businesses below. *
What is your current place of employment and what is your role? *
Do you have previous board experience? *
Why do you desire to be apart of My Angel Lives Board of Directors? *
What skills, connections, and resources will you use to grow My Angel Lives? *
What would you like to gain as a member of the board? *
Are you prepared to make an annual financial contribution to My Angel Lives? (The amount is decided by the board.) *
Are you prepared to schedule and commit your personal time to help build and support My Angel Lives? *
Do you have fundraising experience? *
What area(s) are you most skilled or interested in serving as it relates to My Angel Lives? *
What position(s) are you willing to accept on the board? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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