Shipyards Night Market 2024 

Here's a little background on our event. We are a 3rd party event organization CONIFER Entertainment Society operated by iMADE Agency, who bids and rents the space from the city. It's worth mentioning the City of North Vancouver, nor its BIA orgainze or fund this event. They do however give us their support whole heartedly. Any inquires should be sent to us directly and not to the city, councilors or BIA. 

It's worth mentioning we are the original Friday Night event that ran from 2011 until 2020. However, the previous owner passed away in 2018 and now the event is run under a new owner and management with the family's blessing and support. We are not Shipyards Live nor the Shipyards Festival. These are 2 differnet events run by different organizations.




It's the responsibility of the applicant to read this application, and it's policies, in it's entirety before submitting. 

Each Friday event;
  • load-in starts at 12pm - 2pm sharp
  • open to public 3pm -10pm
  • load-out starts at 10:30pm

About our event and application process;
  • Only accepted vendors will be contacted by email.
  • Our market is all outdoors, rain or shine. Vendors must be prepared for all elements.
  • SYNM does NOT provide tents / tables / chairs for it's vendors.
  • Our event is not produced by the City of North Vancouver or the BIA. We are a 3rd party event society.
  • Each date is $150.00 + gst for a 10ft x 10ft space.
  • Applications are juried on a rolling basis. 
  • These events are located in the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority.
  • Once paid, fees are non-refundable and dates are non-transferable (review terms / policies below).
  • Accepted vendors must have day insurance
  • Payment secures your spot.
  • We don't hold spots.
  • Payment is due upon receiving invoice.
  • please review.
  • We do not supply staff to help with your setup the day of your event. Please plan accordingly.

Our preferred corrspondance is email. 

If you have questions, email

Shipyards Night Market 
Shipyards District
19 Wallace Mews
North Vancouver, BC
V7L 0B2
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
INSTAGRAM LINK (no IG please put Facebook or website) *
WEBSITE/ ETSY LINK (no website please put IG or FB link) *
COMPANY NAME *vendor lineup version *
Please note, we cannot guarantee you will be accepted for every date selected.

These events do not accept MLM or cannabis-related businesses (this includes HEMP products as our insurance policy won't allow it) It's the responsibility of each vendor to communicate this to our events.

All vendors must have fire-grade tents 
IMPACT Tents CAN/ULC S-109 for our North Vancouver events as per fire marshall of CNV.

Vendor fees are due upon acceptance.

All vendor payments are non-refundable* and non-transferable. Please see additional notes below for details.

Refund Policy:

Vendor fees are non-refundable as funds are allocated ahead of time for venue fees, advertising, staffing, administration, general business maintenance i.e website/IT/accounting and other expenses attached to running a small business.

I, the vendor, understand that if I close my business for any reason, the fees paid to SYNM are non refundable.

I, the vendor, understand that if I cancel my events at SYNM to attend another market that same date, fees are non-refundable and no credit will be issued. I agree that my fees will be forfeited.

I, the vendor, understand that if I cancel within 60 days of my event(s), my fee is forfeited and I do not receive a credit.

I, the vendor, understand I cannot transfer my dates once paid for.

I, the vendor, understand if I cancel due to illness I forfeit my fees and can not transfer to another date/event.

I, the vendor, understand if I leave a SYNM  event early, I forfeit my fees and won't be accepted to future events.

I, the vendor, understand that SYNM is also a small business who has expenses and responsibilities to operate. I hereby agree to their refund policy.

COVID Cancellation Policy:

SYNM in partnership with iMADE will work closely with the venue in guidance with the Provincial Health Authorities to ensure the health and safety of our staff, venue staff, vendors and attendees. Due to the uncertainty of events and the fluidity of changing guidelines, SYNM in partnership with iMADE will be as fair as possible with vendor fees. Our refund policies are listed below for these 2023 dates. SYNM in partnership with iMADE has expenses which cannot be recovered as funds are allocated ahead of time, aside from just venue fees. SYNM in partnership with iMADE will contact all vendors in a timely manner if, for any health or safety reasons in regards to updated COVID restrictions that are out of our control and the event(s) are cancelled.

- event cancelled due to PHO orders 12 - 6 months before event vendor will receive a 50% refund
- event cancelled due to PHO orders 3 months before event vendor will receive a 25% refund
- event cancelled due to PHO orders 1 month before event 0 refund but will given a 50% credit towards future events

I, the vendor, understands vendor spaces are non-transferable and may not be shared after acceptance without prior approval.

I, the vendor, agree to pay an administration fee of $100 to change an event date. Changing dates are not automatically a 'yes' as they could already be filled.

I, the vendor, will follow all provincial health authority COVID safety guidelines at each event, including a mask mandate for indoor/outdoor public spaces.

SYNM in partnership with iMADE will assign vendor space at their discretion and reserves the right to reassign space or alter the layout at any time.

I, the vendor, understand I am liable for any damage I cause during an event during setup, during the event and tear down. I agree to pay for damages I've caused to the property and relieve SYNM in partnership with iMADE from these financial responsibilities.

Vendors cannot share a space with another vendor or sell off their space without approval from SYNM in partnership with iMADE.

I, the vendor, understand that any photos I submit may be used to promote the event. I also understand that as a vendor, my products/services, tables, displays, and likenesses may be photographed for social media.

I, the vendor, am solely responsible for obtaining the necessary permits, licences, insurance, and approvals required to sell my goods at the event this includes reviewing the Health Canada site

Vendors are responsible for the collection of sales tax and credit debit services.

Vendors agree to be photographed at any SYNM in partnership with iMADE event, and content captured to be used for SYNM in partnership with iMADE’s marketing and event promotional purposes.

I, the vendor, am 100% legally liable for any negative consequences following the purchase and/or consumption of my product(s) 

Vendors are responsible for their own signage, cash float, lighting, product labels, point of sale devices, collection of taxes, insurance, licensing, etc. Be prepared for the event.

I, the vendor, will promote my participation at the event(s) in my community and share the event via social media/newsletters/websites/blogs/subscribers/family/friends etc. I, the vendor, understand this responsibility is not all on SYNM in partnership with iMADE.

Vendors must remain on site until the show closes and cannot leave in the middle of the event. Vendors are not allowed to tear down their setup until the event ends at the time given by SYNM in partnership with iMADE or risk losing their vendors fees for future events.

Vendors must remove everything from their space including any garbage or be charged a fee.

SYNM in partnership with iMADE reserves the right to restrict any vendor's participation at any time.

If any government agency, court, person or commercial body orders the sale of your products to cease, you will immediately comply with this order.

If a vendor is found slandering SYNM in partnership with iMADE, causing defamation to SYNM in partnership with iMADE and to its owner or another vendor for any reason, before, during or after an event, they will be removed and banned from all SYNM in partnership with iMADE future events and may face legal action.

In the unlikely circumstance that the event is cancelled, SYNM in partnership with iMADE will not provide any compensation for loss of income.

iMADE Agency, SYNM, CONIFER ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETY will be excused of any performance obligations in the event of a disastrous occurrence outside the control of an act of God (fires, explosions, earthquakes, hurricane, natural disasters, global pandemic, flooding, storms, or infestation), or War, Invasion or other Hostility (whether declared or not), or any hazardous situation created outside the control of iMADE Agency, SYNM, CONIFER ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETY such as a riot, disorder, nuclear leak or explosion, or act or threat of terrorism. We are not liable for any damage or loss whatsoever, arising form any cause, nor for any loss incurred by reason of failure of The Vendor to obtain such insurance or failure of such insurance to cover any loss.Failure to comply with the above terms will result in the cancellation of your application. 

I acknowledge that I have read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions stated above. As an independent vendor/applicant, I will indemnify SYNM in partnership with iMADE and Danielle MacPherson for any loss, theft, damage, fine, penalty, judgment, legal fees, and expenses reasonably connected with my failure to comply with the terms of this agreement or any liability, negligence, gross negligence or injury resulting from my products, actions, conduct, vendor set up, display or trade activities. Shipyards Night Market, iMADE Agency, iMADE events and its owner, Danielle MacPherson, are not liable for any damage, or injury caused by a vendor/applicant, or loss whatsoever, arising from any cause, nor for any loss incurred by reason of the failure of "The Vendor/applicant" to obtain such insurance or failure of such insurance to cover any loss.

Disclaimer - Marketing/promotion of your brand and its marketing footprint:

It's the responsibility of each vendor/applicant to reach out to all their followers, subscribers, family and friends to share where they will be. SYNM in partnership with iMADE is always running our own paid promotions for each event and is also working with the City of North Vancouver. Vendors/applicants should take this opportunity to reach out to local shops your brand may like to be sold at and personally invite them down to see your products in person. Extend an invite to influencers and bloggers that you have a relationship with. We all know we want as many sales as possible but utilize these events as a marketing opportunity. Have business cards and/or marketing material in every bag or you can hand them out so shoppers know where to find you next, give them to them even if they don't buy anything, and even give them to fellow vendors who may want to collaborate. SYNM in partnership with iMADE is not responsible for vendor sales. Engage with every person that comes by your table, there can be brand agencies that come to shop and look for emerging brands at my events. You never know who's checking out your products.

Approved vendors must have small business insurance to attend a SYNM in partnership with iMADE event. This does not cost much should you not have any. Google small business insurance BC. It's a small and important piece of protection for you and your brand.

SYNM in partnership with iMADE has the right to update and change these terms and conditions. I, the vendor, understand that if my vendor application is successful, I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of participation as outlined below which iMADE has provided.

I, the vendor, have read the whole application/contract iMADE Agency, SYNM, Conifer Entertainment Society has put forth.
By clicking this box indicates to iMADE Agency, SYNM, CONIFER Entertainment Society you, the vendor, have read and agree to all the above terms, policies and conditions.  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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