Thematic PhD course in silviculture: Climate, forest and people, 3 ECTS
Please fill in this form below if you wish to register for the PhD course "Thematic PhD course in silviculture: Climate, forest and people, 3 ECTS"

Please observe that you will also need to book the excursion to Freiburg, Germany separately, but if you register below we will keep you informed about this via email. 

Best regards,
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First name *
Last name *
University *
Faculty, Department *
Email address  *
Phone number   *
How many years have you conducted your PhD studies and research? *
Please write here things you would like to ask us or things that you think we should be aware about considering your participation in the course and excursion!
Thank you for your registration! We will keep you updated about the course and about the excursion. 
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