کتاب اوراقِ منتشر کی خرید
Kindly fill the following form to order the purchase of book اوراقِ منتشر  by Aatif Malik. The 340 pages book costs Pak Rupees 750 plus Rs 150 for postage inside the Pakistan, while for overseas the postage will be communicated depending upon the destination.
A part of the proceeds from the sale of the book will be routed to Zarar Shaheed Trust Hospital (www.facebook.com/zarartrust). Any additional support for Zarar Shaheed Hospital is welcomed.
Kindly send the amount to RAAST ID 0322 4271650 through bank transfer, easy paisa or Jazz Cash.
Book will be delivered by post at the start of February, 2024.
سب اوراق منتشر کردو
دفترِ واقعات کچھ بھی نہیں

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