I will post a list of new releases from the indie science fiction, fantasy, and horror space to my blog once a month. If you'd like your book to be included, please fill out the form below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The post goes live on the 1st of each month (so, for example, the October new releases will be featured on October 1.) To get the most exposure for your new release, please submit titles prior to the month they release, as the blog only emails my subscribers when it initially goes live. I can retroactively add books to existing posts, but they will not be sent to the email subscribers. Please do not submit for books released prior to September 1, 2024.
***Please do not submit titles created using generative AI.***
If you'd like to subscribe to my blog to watch for these new release posts, my book reviews, or just to follow what I've been doing in my writing space, you can do so here:
AJ Calvin's blog