Resident: Adopt-A-Spot Registration
Please only fill out this form if you are a resident adopting a spot. If you are a business or organization, please use other form:

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Email *
Can you provide a one year commitment to your adopted spot? *
Your Info
We want to know who you are and how to contact you so that we can recognize the awesome work you're doing to help keep Covington beautiful!  
First Name *
Last Name *
Home Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number
Your Adopted Spot's Info
You can adopt a park, a garden, a street, a traffic island, a school, a block, a parking lot, a bus stop, or pretty much any other kind of spot you can think of! Just let us know the address, name, or a description of your spot so that we can register you, make sure you get recognition, and let you know if your spot is still available!
Do you want to join the Goebel Park Butterfly Garden adopters?
Adopters meet the 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month, April - September, 9:30am - 11:30am.
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Please provide a description of the spot you want to adopt. *
If you are joining the Goebel Park Butterfly Garden adopters, state "Goebel Park Butterfly Garden" here. If you want to join the Goebel Park Butterfly Garden adopters and adopt another spot, list both here.
Provide specific address for mapping your spot's location. *
You can enter an exact street address, a range of addresses for a whole block, an intersection, or at least a street name.
What neighborhood is your spot in? *
How do you intend to take care of your spot? *
Please select all that apply.
What tools do you need to take care of your spot? *
Please select all that apply.
May we recognize you on our website? *
This may include your name, photos, description of the work you have done, etc.
If so, please tell us how your name should appear on the website:
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