Green Camp Groups Pre-Camp Survey
Dear School/Group Coordinator(s) or Leader,

Thank you for your interest in Green Camp. We are excited by the prospect of hosting you here in Bali. In preparation for your program we kindly request your feedback on the following questions. Your responses will provide valuable information to help us select the most meaningful, engaging, and appropriate learning adventure for your students. Please fill out this form at your earliest convenience, once we are in receipt of your responses we will get back to you with a program offering that best suits your requirements.
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1. Name of School or Group *
2. Contact Person *
3. Contact Email *
4. How did you hear about Green Camp Bali? *
4. Please specify prospective dates and duration for your Green Camp program *
We run Green Camps year round, programs fill up fast so early reservations are recommended. We typically run 3, 5, or 7to 10  day overnight camps. Customised options are also available if you are interested in bringing more than 50 participants to Green Camp.
5. Age/ Grade of students *
6. Number of students *
We can accommodate a maximum of 90 students at Green Camp
7. What  are your goals and objectives for bringing your students to experience Green Camp? *
8. Are there areas of study that your students have been focusing on that may complement the values of sustainability and green leadership shared by Green Camp? Are you interested in exploring specific curricular links during your Green Camp experience (e.g. curricular links to specific topics in ecology, biology, culture, arts) *
9. How would you describe your students’ environmental understanding/sensitivity? *
10. What level of English do the students possess? Note: If students’ comprehension of English is limited, we require groups to provide their own staff translators based on our recommended staff/student ratios. *
11. Are there any specific issues within the student group that we should be made aware of? If yes, please explain. *
12. The following 4 Pillars of Learning provide the foundation for our programs at Green Camp. Please select the pillars you would like your program to focus on by retyping them in the space below. *
The 4 Pillars of Learning: Sustainability Education, Personal and Social Development, Nature-Based Learning, Intercultural Appreciation
13. Are there any specific questions you have regarding the nature of the programme offered? *
Thank you for filling out this form!
Please allow a week maximum for us to design the most suitable program itinerary for your group at Green Camp Bali. If you'd like to get in touch with us directly after filling out the survey, please email our Program Manager directly at or send us a whatsapp text to +6285100093310
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