Discount Submittal
Anyone can submit a discount to our Fifty States Half Marathon club members. This will give your event or product a little more national visibility.  We announce to our members, in addition to putting it on our Discount list online in our member portal, with an extra link to your product or event.  Thank you for supporting our running community!
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Name of your Event or Product *
Do NOT put a description in this Box.  Put ONLY Name of event or product
What is the DAY and DATE of your Event (ignore this question if your discount is for a product or service)
Example:  Saturday 2/1/2014
If this is a race, what distances are you giving discount for? *
If it is not a race, just enter "not a race"
What City is this event in? (if it's an online product and not an event, just put online) *
Please enter exact city or town, NOT a park or landmark
What State is this in? (if it's an online product, just put online) *
Please provide your website link to your event or product *
ONLY website link goes in this box - If you do not have a website - please explain where one can find your event or product.
Discount Amount (in dollars or percent) *
This could be a percent or a dollar amount. The average discount that events give is $10.00, however we do have a few that give $15.00 and $20.00, and a few non-profits and very small events we've seen $5.00.
Discount Code or Coupon Code *
Any Notes or Special Highlights about your event, or Instructions for use of code? *
If you do not have any notes or special instructions, please just put N/A
Is this ongoing for years to come, or do you need to send a new code annually? *
If you checked OTHER, please explain
Your Name *
Your Email Address (I do NOT use this to send spam) *
Would you like to buy an AD spot on our Website? (Ad spots are EXCLUSIVELY your ad, and run monthly).  All specifications and pricing can be found by copying & pasting this link into your browser *
If you selected YES you do want to buy an Ad, what page of our website, or what state page, and what spot do you want me to let you know if it is available? (list page, specific ad location ie: top leaderboard, top rt skyscraper, bottom rt skyscraper, & what month(s) you want to buy, and I will verify availability)
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