Sioux Valley Optimist Club Grant Request
If you feel you have an organization or project that benefits kids and the community, please fill out a grant request below.
  • Requests are reviewed on a monthly basis. If the request is approved, and there is sufficient money remaining in the club budget, a representative of the organization will be expected to attend a club meeting of the Sioux Valley Optimist Club to present an overview of the work of the organization or project the funds are intended for. 
  • We may award money that could differ from your request. 
  • You may submit one request during the period from November 1st through September 30th. The month of October is a black-out period for grant proposals.
Email *
Organization Name *
Legal Name (if different)
Organization's Address (including City, State & Zip Code) *
Organization's Phone Number *
Organization's Website
Contact Name *
Contact Email *
Organization's Overview (Mission)
Grant Amount *
Grant Purpose *
Explanation of how this grant will directly benefit kids in this community including the number of kids directly or indirectly benefited: *
How will the Sioux Valley Optimist Club be recognized, if the grant is approved?
Submission Date *
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