SWS People of Color Affinity Group Sign-up
Racial affinity groups, sometimes called racial caucuses, provide separate and necessary spaces for people who share a racial identity to gather, share experiences and explore how racism may manifest in the spaces they occupy. Affinity Groups are co-hosted by Kindred and are an essential part of SWS's racial equity efforts.

This affinity space will create a supportive environment for caregivers who are a part of racially and/or ethnically marginalized groups. We aim to give this diverse community a place to learn, explore, and understand both our connective experiences and our differences.

The first People of Color Affinity Group for this year will meeting on Thursday, October 26 at 4:45PM in the SWS Library. We welcome all who identify as ‘people of color’. This can include but not exclusively: native born, refugees, multiracial/mixed race, or of immigrant status. If you fit these criteria and are interested in participating, please add your name and information here. 

Sign-up forms for other Affinity Groups can be found here:
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Name *
Email *
How many students do you have at SWS?
Student grades (select all that apply)
For future meetings, would you prefer to meet in-person or virtually?
If you prefer to meet in person, do you need childcare? 
Note: Our meeting will be an hour long and end at 5:45
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