M-3 Pangsapuri Sutera Maya
No. 159, Batu 6 1/2, Jalan Puchong
58200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel No. : 03 - 7773 2022           H/P No. : 014 - 231 7846
Email :
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Terms and Conditions : 
In applying for approval, the Owner/Tenant and Contractor/Mover undertake to abide by and be subjected to the following terms and conditions.

  1. The Owner/Tenant is required to apply for a written consent from the Management to move in /out of contents at least two weeks in advance.
  2. Tenant is required to seek written consent from Owner to move out.
  3. A list of contents, where possible, should be attached to this application for security check purposes.
  4. The Owner or Tenant shall pay a refundable deposit of RM 500.00 before written consent is granted. The payment should be made payable in favour of the Management. This will be refund free interest after verifying that all terms and conditions are complied with.
  5. The appointed contractor must be accompanied by the or his/her nominated person in charged at all times.
  6. Only the service lift shall be designated by the Management for the transit of contents. Other lifts cannot be used unless with written permission from the Management.
  7. The Owner or Tenant shall ensure that the transit of contents carried out will not in any way cause any nuisance to any other residents.
  8. Mover's vehicles, containers and/or contents mus not obstruct other vehicles and residents when carrying out their functions/ activities. They are not allowed to park their vehicles within the Building during the night, holidays and festive seasons.
  9. Movers must not obstruct movement or deposit furniture or other items in any place other than that designated by the Management.
  10. Upon the completion of the works, the applicant shall inform the Management, its agent or servant for a joint inspection of the related lift lobbies/common areas to facilitate the refund of deposit.
  11. In the event that any debris is not cleared, and/or any of the common property is found damaged, the Management reserves the right to remove such debris and/or conduct all necessary repair respectively. The cost of such removal or repair works shall be deducted from the deposit.
  12. If the said deposit is insufficient to cover the full cost of repair works, the Management reserves the right to recover the remaining costs of the repair from teh applicant after deducting from the said deposit. 
  13. Moving in / out of household contents from the respective unit is strictly restricted to the following hours:-
Monday to Friday               : 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 
Saturday                             : 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday & Public Holiday  : Not Allowed

I, the undersigned, confirm that I have read and fully understood the terms and conditions herein and shall comply with the above accordingly

Current Occupant :
Name (as per NRIC / passport) : *
Unit No. : *
Contact No. : *
Day & Date of Works :  *
Time of Works :  *
Name of Contractor (as per NRIC / passport) : *
Contractor Vehicle Registration No. : *
Contractor Contact No. :
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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