We are quickly approaching the end of the first quarter of the school year, and many of you have reported yet another round of challenging scheduling changes; compassion fatigue is at an alltime high, and rising COVID infection rates are not helping the situation.

As you continue doing your best to juggle the mish-mosh of in-person, hybrid, blended, flipped, remote, [insert jargon] this school year,  please consider how we can best serve you.

Success In Motion in collaboration with Teaching Residents at Teachers College is looking for ways to provide a FREE stress management series to all education professionals, and we want to hear from you!

Help us design this series by answering the following 3 (QUICK) questions.

Please submit your responses by Friday, October 30, 2020.

With gratitude for all you do,
Success in Motion and Teaching Residents at Teachers College
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We know teachers deal with a tremendous amount of stress in their personal and professional lives and we want to help you combat that stress. What specific topics would you want to discuss and receive tools for?
What time(s) on Tuesdays are most convenient for you to attend a stress management session on Zoom? (Select all times that apply) *
Additional Comments: anything else you would like to tell us or any other support you need?
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