AIHD MPHM Alumni survey

Dear Alumni,
We would like to take this opportunity to kindly request your participation in a survey aimed at evaluating our Master of Primary Health Care Management (MPHM) program. Your valuable insights will play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of our academic course.
In this section, we will be presenting a series of survey questions designed to delve into your experiences and gather your opinions regarding the MPHM program. Additionally, we will inquire about your ability to apply the knowledge and skills acquired from the program to your professional work.
We would like to assure you that the information you provide will be used solely for research purposes and to aid us in improving the MPHM program. Your responses will not be utilized for any other purposes, and your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary.
Your collaboration in this endeavor is greatly appreciated, and we are sincerely grateful for your contribution. We kindly request your assistance in sharing this survey with fellow alumni from the MPHM program. For further information regarding our faculty, please visit
Thank you for your time and participation.

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