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RSVP: Volunteer at SOSL Walk in San Diego
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Your email
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Phone number (so we can contact you on the day of the walk)
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How can you put your compassion into action at the walk
Help staff the table and connect with walkers 7:00-9:00 AM
Help staff the table and connect with walkers 9:00-11:00 AM
Organize a walking team to raise funds for SOSL
Make a donation to support BELOVED's presence (Total Fee=$125)
Bring snacks for the volunteers
Make arrangements for a group lunch afterward
Bring candy or other individually packaged treat for walkers
Help host a Zoom from the Park for Hybrid experience
Prepare some fresh, new paper strips for the chain
Update the signage for color code for paper strips or upcoming events
Any other ideas, comments and/or questions?
Your answer
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