Calgary International Film Festival Safer Spaces Form
The following form is to report an incident that violates our Safer Spaces policy. If you have been made to feel unsafe or have an incident to disclose to CIFF, you may do so here or contact us at

If you have any questions as to enforcement, review process, disclosure process or have a suggestion to improve our safer space policy please contact us at
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Name (optional)

Email (optional)
Phone (optional)
If you choose to include your contact information, how do you prefer to be contacted?
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Did the incident you are reporting happen to you, or were you a witness to the incident?
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If you have provided your name above, would you like to remain anonymous to those involved in the incident? (please note: anonymous disclosure may limit our ability to conduct a thorough investigation).
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Please provide the date of the incident.

Please provide the time of the incident (if you are unable to recall the specific time, please note in the description section of the form).
Please provide the location of the incident.
Your answer

Please provide a description of the incident to the extent in which you are comfortable disclosing. If you would prefer to disclose the incident over the phone, please indicate this below.
Please provide a description of the people and/or the names of those involved.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

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This form was created inside of Calgary International Film Festival.