Survey on COVID-19 for Theatre Makers 2.0  
Serving as a global platform for Scenographers/Designers, Theatre Architects and Technicians, OISTAT would like to know how you're managing your financial challenges since the outbreak.
We need your insight to put together a full picture of this crisis we are facing as a global performing arts community, as we aim to be inclusive for all of our members around the world.

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1. Your Name *
2. Your email address
Your email address will only be used if we need to reply to you on this survey. Your information is safe with us.
3. The country you are based in *
In full official name
4. Your nationality (if different from where you're based in)
The country name on your passport
5. Are you currently employed by an organization/ company / academic institution? *
6. If yes, what is your title and the name of the organization/ company/ academic institution?
7. What is your primary role in the performing arts? (select all that apply) *
8. Years of experience as a theatre professional? *
9. Age *
10. Are you a member of a union? *
11. If yes, which union?
12. Is independent/contracted theatre work your primary source of income? *
13. What is the percentage of your total monthly income from your independent theatre work? *
14. In what ways have you or your organization been impacted by the virus pandemic? (check all that apply) For those who are active in the academic theatre field, also answer question 15. *
15. As an academic theatre worker, what are the impacts of the virus pandemic?
16. Your impact level from the outbreak? *
17. How early was your productions/business affected? *
18. How soon do you anticipate productions and theatre operations being resumed in your region? *
19. How much gross revenue or income do you anticipate losing? *
Please answer in Euro, with no commas. Currency converter:
20. Alternative plans during this period of uncertainty?
21. The types of subsidies/ relief funds/ loans that are available to you in your region? *
22. If you have been awarded/received any types of relief funds/supports, please share more details with us.
23. Please share with us your own coping strategies, or if you know of other artists/ theatre professionals/ educators who have come up with creative or alternative plans in theatre-making.
24. Thanks for your participation! Do you have additional information, comments, or suggestions for OISTAT?  
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