Piedmont Compost Giveaway Registration 04-22-2023
The City of Piedmont, in partnership with Republic Services, is holding a free compost giveaway at the City’s Corporation Yard (898 Red Rock Road) on Saturday, April 22nd from 9 am to 12 pm. All households can pick up one cubic yard of compost while supplies last. Preorders are not available. Bring your own shovel, gloves, and container(s), to pick up compost. Volunteers will be on deck to help you bag and load the compost into your vehicle. Piedmont Public Works staff will also be available to operate a backhoe to lift a larger quantity of compost into the back of trucks. A City staff member will send you a confirmation email with your pickup time and instructions by 5:00pm on April 21st. Please contact the City's Sustainability Division if you have any questions (sustainability@piedmont.ca.gov). 

Additional information can be found here: https://piedmont.ca.gov/services___departments/public_works/recycling_organic_waste_garbage/s_b_1383
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