Inside 'Dores Application
Interested in writing for Inside 'Dores, the Official Vanderbilt Admissions blog? You're in the right place! Simply fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you in the next few weeks.

Your responsibilities would include writing somewhat regularly (i.e. 7-8 posts a semester), as well as representing the university with honesty and positivity. Remember that your writing will attract a large audience of students, both prospective and current. We hope to be able to offer you a platform through which you can share your experiences, advice, and goals as a Vanderbilt student representative.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Xuanxuan Chen at or Neelansh Bute at We look forward to reading your application!

Apply by October 9.
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What's your full name? *
Please give us your email address! *
Vanderbilt email or your primary email for during the school year.
Gender *
Race (optional)
Where are you from? *
What year are you? *
What's your school? *
What's your major? *
"Undecided" is fine, but give us your intended major if you have an idea!
Section 2 — The REAL You
Help us get to know you!
Tell us about your current or planned involvement on and off campus: *
Why did you choose Vanderbilt? *
One of the main reasons prospective students come to our blog is to get the answer to this question!
Anything else we should know about you?
What makes you a unique part of the student body?
Section 3 — Ready to write?
Write a sample blog post! *
Stick to the 250-400 word range, and tell us about your experience at Vanderbilt (or something related to college life). If you're struggling with what to talk about, head over to for some examples.
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