Spring 2024: 5-6th Volleyball Sign Up

I am looking forward to another year of 5th and 6th grade volleyball.  I am working on scheduling a few games and practices.  Depending on how many girls participate, we may also set up some scrimmages.  I am planning on two or three practices or games a week.  This will run through the months of March and the first part of April. Game times usually start at 6pm, but can change depending on how many games we want to play.

I am not sure on practice times or locations.  I will send out more information on practice and game times when I know more about the numbers.  If your child would like to participate please fill out the information below.  I will put the information into Remind App. to help communicate any changes to the schedule.  These will be due by February 13th so I can plan accordingly.

Feel free to email me with any questions. Thanks!!


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