Hey Cumpanions!
Thanks so much for clicking on this form.

For a while, we have slowly been compiling a list of all your first times, and we figured this would be a cool way for us to celebrate and share these stories. We want to hear from you! Tell us the story about your first time cumming, first time cumming in a new way, OR just tell us about a new sexual discovery you made that was influenced by the podcast! We have put all of your first times into our Cumming All Over the World Map and are planning a few other fun data visualization projects. We really appreciate your taking the time to fill out the form!

Happy Cumming!

(We only ask for your email address in case we want to reach out to you for anything in the future. You will not be spammed)
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Tell us your name! You can add your socials too. (Will stay 100% anonymous) *
Did you have your first orgasm or did you orgasm in a new way because of How Cum Podcast? *
How old were you when it happened? *
Where are you located? (City, State, Country, etc.) *
Tell us your first time cumming stories! Whether it's your first time ever, or first in a new way. (include whether it was first squirt, anal orgasm, etc.) *
Would you like to come on the podcast to share your story? *
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