BridgeMill Pool Application 2024
Thank you for your interest in working at the BridgeMill pool. Interviews for all positions will be held as needed, starting mid-April. Lifeguard certification or re-certification will be held as a blended learning class, the online portion must be completed by the beginning of the in-person class on May 11th. The in-person class will be held May 11th & 12th from 9-6 in the terrace and the pool. An additional class will be added if needed.  The pool opens on May 18th. If you have any questions email or text Shelley @ 404-966-1635
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Email *
Name (as it appears on your social security card) *
First and last name
Nickname (if applicable )
Mailing Address (summer) *
Phone number *
Birthday *
How did you hear about us?
 Are you returning from a previous season? *
What position/s  are you applying for? *
Do you have transportation to work? *
What date can you start? *
Can you work the whole season? (May 18th- Sept. 29th) If not when approximately be your last day? *
Do you participate in any sports, clubs or have an other job? *
Are you in High School or College? *
Name of High School or College and graduation year. (anticipated)
Employment reference #1 ( if applicable). Please include: Company, position, job duties, dates employed, supervisor's name and phone number.
Employment reference #2 ( if applicable). Please include: Company, position, job duties, dates employed, supervisor's name & phone number.
Personal reference #1. Please include: Name, phone number, years & how do you know the person. *
Personal reference #2 Please include: Name, phone number, years & how do you know the person. *
Certification: Lifeguards & Swim Instructors or Coaches only
Date certification expires:
I understand that this is a seasonal summer job (May -Sept). I will not fill for unemployment benefits when my job ends. *
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