5 Questions (Takes 53 Seconds) Answer This And Get 6 Secrets To 6 Figure Offer As A Bonus
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1. Do you have any skills, expertise, Knowledge that you wish to turn into Coaching - Consulting Business? ( If Yes, Give brief Details) 
2. What Is The #1 Problem You're Facing In Launching or Establishing Your Coaching/Consulting Business Right Now? 
(Be 100% Honest Please... For Example: Lack of Niche Clarity, No Product, No Offer, Pricing issue, Closing challenges,  Poor Conversions, Fear of rejection, lack of qualified leads , Lack of Confidence etc.)
3. What's your current offer price? (Front End) , If No Offer yet - Say NO OFFER 
4. What's your current monthly income and desired monthly Income ? ( Mention USD, INR,.)
5. What's your ultimate objective you want to accomplish by becoming a coach?

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