Co-curricular Questionnaire
This will help us to pinpoint what goals you have in mind for your service/event, whether your service/event is a good fit for co-curricular, and create specific targets for use in building your assessments.
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What is the name of the service/event? *
Do you feel that the description below applies to your service/event?

Co-curricular activities are those that align with the general education outcomes of the college and support the curricular and career goals of the students.  They occur outside of classroom instruction and enhance and support the development of skills/knowledge gained through curricular experiences.
If you answered no or unsure to the question above, please elaborate.  If you answered yes, just put N/A or a dash (-). *
For the following General Education Outcome (GEO) indicate if your service/event does anything to support the development of the skills indicated by the performance indicators.

Learners apply current and emerging technologies.

Performance Indicators:
Integration: Select the proper tool to perform the task and troubleshoot any difficulties encountered
Utilization: Apply proper usage of the tool 
Evaluation: Analyze the effectiveness of the tool

**Things to consider when answering this question: do you use any sort of tools (computer based, electronic, based in a specific trade/field, or technological in nature) which you direct the students in using that are tied to what you do in your service/event?**

For the following General Education Outcome (GEO) indicate if your service/event does anything to support the development of the skills indicated by the performance indicators.

Critical Thinking
Learners evaluate the credibility and significance of information.

Performance Indicators:
Identification:  Define problem, identify relevant information, define terms, and analyze assumptions
Usage: Frame questions, make predictions, and design data collection and analysis strategies
Position or Solution:  Form a conclusion based on the evidence and analysis of  data,  information and/or viewpoints

**Things to consider when answering this question: do you have expectations that the students should be able to evaluate a situation, generate appropriate questions, assess conditions, or draw conclusions but not necessarily about content taught in a classroom?**

For the following General Education Outcome (GEO) indicate if your service/event does anything to support the development of the skills indicated by the performance indicators.

Learners express themselves clearly and concisely.

Performance Indicators:
Organization: Demonstrate organized communication through various modalities
Content:  Use evidence to support main idea and use topic related terminology
Mechanics:  Use appropriate grammatical structure
Presentation:  Use tone, style, and conventions that are appropriate to the audience, context, and purpose

**Things to consider when answering this question: the communication you consider should be tied to the service/event that you provide for the students and it should be something attempt to alter or correct if it is not correct.** 
For the following General Education Outcome (GEO) indicate if your service/event does anything to support the development of the skills indicated by the performance indicators.

Cultural Awareness and Social Skills
Learners recognize cultural perspectives, beliefs, and attitudes different from their own.

Performance Indicators:
Cooperation: Foster a constructive team climate
Professional and Ethical Behavior: Display proper respect and consideration based on the situation
Self-Awareness: Articulate insight into own cultural point of view and biases
Cultural Awareness: Identify and acknowledge cultural perspectives and values different from their own

**Things to consider when answering this question: this should be something that you present or offer to the students in the course of your service/event and take measures to follow-up on how it was received, integrated, or implemented (this can be in person, on paper, electronically, or repeated interactions with the students).**

What do you hope that students will achieve by coming to your service/event?  *
Have you currently identified any direct goals for the students that participate in your service/event?  If so, what are they? *
Describe why your service/event is important to campus. *
Indicate any particular aspects that are important to you regarding the service/event (this can be outside of a direct benefit to the student; i.e. tied to the success of the service/event, getting the word out about it, number of students attending...). *
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