Curriculum Survey
Together with you, Paterson Public Schools is committed to developing inclusive curricula that meets the needs of all students.  To do that, we need your feedback.  Please complete the survey below to be a part of this important process that will improve student understanding and their academic experience.
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What is your primary role? *
Location (Select all sites you service) *
What grade level(s) do you serve? Select all that apply.
What subject(s) do you currently instruct students in?
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What is the length of instructional time you have dedicated to each subject daily? (Respond only for those subjects you teach)
Greater than 90 minutes
90 Minutes
Less than 90 minutes
Engish Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education/ Health
World Language
Other Elective
Clear selection
Do you believe there is enough time to cover the curriculum with the instructional time afforded?  
Clear selection
Do you believe that the resources in the curriculum align with the standards that are required for your grade level?  
Clear selection
If you indicated that the resources in the curriculum do not align with the standards required for your grade level, please provide specific examples.
Do you believe that the resources in the curriculum are reflective of a diverse audience? *
If you indicated that the resources in the curriculum are not reflective of a diverse audience, please provide suggestions for improvement.
Do you believe that the district assessments align with the curriculum?  
Clear selection
If you indicated that the district assessments do not align with the curriculum, please provide specific examples.
What changes, if any, would you like to see made to the curriculum?
Please provide any additional suggestions you have regarding resources or instructional tools that you feel would support you in delivering the curriculum to the students.  Please be as specific as possible.
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