We are making a Philippine map of everything related to or inspired by permaculture. The goal is collaboration, cooperation, and sharing of information among practitioners of permaculture and other sectors of society, particularly the agriculture and development sectors.
Here's the link to the map:
https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1c_yQmnWt0_IXzCxexx-xEEt_PqqcLmbm&usp=sharingIf you see your project already added to the map, feel free to update and edit your information (or remove, if you prefer not to be included for personal or data privacy reasons) . For assistance, you can e-mail
For students, teachers, professors, researchers who want to conduct studies on permaculture, here's a reference list of journal articles and books:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lxI4JuDzpR2eWH8pVERmXXAk9XAPxCn7vcYV-lePXnA/edit?usp=sharingLearn more about our research here: