Internet Connectivity Survey
This survey will take about 3-5 minutes to complete. Please answer the questions in relation to your home or primary residence.
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Do you have internet service at home or your primary residence? (For college students: dormitories are not considered a primary residence.) *
Are there any barriers for you to get internet service at home? (Check all that apply.) *
How and where do you access the internet? (Check all that apply.) *
Would you like to utilize the internet for any of the following? (Please check all that apply.) *
If you or someone in your home use the internet for work, have you been unable to complete work tasks due to lack of high-speed internet access at home? *
If you or someone in your home uses the internet for school, have you been unable to complete schoolwork due to lack of high-speed internet access at home? *
Have you or someone in your home been unable to access health support or social services due to lack of internet access? *
Which of the following can you do? (Please select all that apply.) *
Do you need or want to strengthen your ability to use a computer and the internet? *
Do you have a cell phone?
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What is your age range? *
Are you (or other members of your household) a member of any of the following groups? (Please select all that apply.) *
What is your estimated household income?  *
How many people are in your household? *
Demographic Information: How would you best describe yourself? (Please check all that apply.) *
What is your address? Please include: street address, city, state, and zip code.

This information will solely be used to build and refine the Mississippi broadband availability map as BEAM works to identify areas in the state without adequate access to the internet. Your data will never be sold or given away.
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