Chandos Members' Subscription Form 2024,,,uk
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Email *
Full name *
Contact telephone number  *
Instrument *
Annual membership or per concert subscription rate 

Please pay by BACS to:

Account : 00520560
Sort Code : 30-99-36

Please add the reference ‘instrument annual / concert month surname’, if there is enough space. For example ‘Viola March Jones’ or ‘Horn annual Smith’.

From 2024, the annual subscription is £135, which must be paid before the March concert. 'Pay As You Go' is £45 per concert, which must be paid before the relevant concert.

If you wish to pay by cheque instead, please contact

Please note that paying a yearly subscription to support the orchestra does not necessarily guarantee you a seat in the section, especially in smaller sections and where there is one player per part. 

Section co-ordinators will invite players to fill the required seats for each programme, so please indicate your likely availability below to help them plan. This will also help the committee with financial planning.

Gift Aid declaration

Thank you for choosing to Gift Aid your donations!

Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of making your donations go further, as it allows us to reclaim the basic rate tax you have already paid on your donations as a UK taxpayer.

It means that for every £1 you donate, we can claim an extra 25p of tax, at no extra cost to you. All you need to do is complete the form below.

You just need to have paid enough Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax equal to the tax we reclaim. The amount Chandos can claim a as Gift Aid donation is your total subscription for the year minus £6.

You can cancel your declaration at any time simply by getting in touch with us at

For full details of the Gift Aid scheme, please visit:

Gift Aid address (required)

Gift Aid cannot be claimed unless Chandos Symphony Orchestra holds your address.

Please enter your full address below, including postcode. (Or write ‘n/a’ if you have opted out.)
Players contact list

I wish to remain on the orchestra’s contact list and understand that Chandos Symphony Orchestra will keep my data in accordance with current GDPR rules, which are outlined in full at
Contact permission

I agree to being contacted by Chandos Symphony Orchestra in relation to essential and occasionally non-essential matters, such as social events or concerts that may interest me. This includes rehearsal details and general newsletters regarding Chandos Symphony Orchestra.
Chandos will not share your information with anyone outside of the orchestral setting and your information will only be used in relation to Chandos Symphony Orchestra's needs.
Photograph/video permission

Chandos Symphony Orchestra would like to take photographs or video clips of the orchestra occasionally for use in publicity both in print and on social media platforms. This is an important part of maximising interest in the orchestra's activities from audiences and potential players, in line with the orchestra's mission and charitable objectives. Images would be of the whole orchestra during rehearsals or concerts and would not feature close ups of individual players.
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