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Company Name *
Company Website
HQ (city/country) *
Founded MM/YY
CEO Name
Email Address
Phone Number
How many co-founders? Specify their title & provide LinkedIn profiles?
Do founders have relevant backgrounds in startups /or specific to this opportunity?
Are co-founders full-time? If not, explain. 
Number of  Full Time Employees
Number of  Part Time Employees *
Has the team worked together previously?
Has anyone on the team had a successful venture exit before?
Is the team missing any key role? Who do you need to hire next? *
Company Overview/Elevator Pitch   *
What industries do you currently serve? Are you focused on hospitality/travel?
What geography/region/countries do you currently have customers in?
What problem/pain are you solving?
TAM/SAM/SOM? (Explain the market size and recent trends)
Who are the current players operating in this space and how are they priced?
What is your solution? What is the technology? 
What systems do you currently integrate with? Where do you fit in the customer tech stack?
Product readiness: MVP/Pilot/Deployed at paying customer/Contracts
Do you have any unique IP? Please specify. Anything truly ‘hard’ technically about your solution that is a barrier to entry?
Explain how the solution is differentiated in the market. What is your moat?
Who is your target customer? Is the buyer different from user? Please elaborate. 
How many UNPAID pilot customers, PAID pilot customers, customer CONTRACTS do you currently have? Please list.
Highlight any well known customer.
When was your 1st customer deployment?
What is your approach to customer acquisition? Please specify both direct & indirect channels?

Actuals for 2023
Projections for 2024
Projections for 2025
Projections for 2026
What is your pricing model? 
Describe your unit economics.
What are your gross margins?
Explain the customer ROI and why they would pay for your solution?
What was the last round you closed (e.g. Pre-Seed, Seed etc.)?
How much did you raise in the last round and when?
What was your last round valuation?
How much have you raised till date?
How much are you looking to raise and when?
What is your next round expected valuation?
List current investors
Have the founders invested their own money?
What is your current monthly burn? How many months of runway do you have?
When do you expect to be breakeven?
When are you planning to raise your next round? How much are you looking to raise and at what valuations? Do you have any commitments already?
How do you propose to use the funds?
What is your most critical needs right now? How can Techne help? 
Where did you hear about Techne?
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