FY24 HGRESA Room Request
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District or Organization: *
Person requesting the room: *
Email: *
Cell Number: *

What type of event is this?

If other, please describe.
Name of Event: *
Date(s) of Event: *
Time In - Time Out: (Please stay within the 8:30-3:30 timeframe.) *
What time will presenters arrive? (Building opens at 8:00) *
Target Audience: *
Grade Span: *
Facilitator(s): *
Presenters): *
Please describe the event. *
Expected Numbers: *
Technology Needs: *
Reference Areas: (Check all that apply.) *
Other needs:
Do you need refreshments beyond the ones at the beginning of the event? If yes, there will be a per participant bill sent to the organization.  *

Will you be using items or materials that scratch the table surfaces?  If yes or unsure, please plan to bring table coverings.


Do you have a back-up plan and communication plan, if you have over 35 in attendance in case of issues like weather conditions, lack of electricity, internet challenges, etc.?

Other comments or clarifications:
IMPORTANT:  By submitting a request, I am verifying that I have strategically read the information on protocols and will abide by the rules, guidelines, etc. created to support a professional climate. Please do not move tables. Link:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VeIjF5y89duKnZAf96rELYBom-MfkYOMWeMBlJs7c0w/edit?usp=sharing *
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