BRA membership form
Use this form for New applications and Renewal of your membership.
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What is the reason you are using this form? *
Your first name (required)
Your last name (required)
Street Address, Suburb and City 
Your Email (required) 
Your phone number 
Rules of Incorporation for the Birkenhead Residents Association *
Membership Level:
Please pay following the guidelines on the website
If you would like to make a donation, you can add that to your membership fee or make a separate payment.
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Skills I can offer - if you can offer any of the following skills, please let us know

How I can help

Please let us know if you have anything else you’d like to help with in regards to the Birkenhead Resident’s Association.


Following normal business practice, we do not issue receipts. If you require a receipt eg for claiming your donation against tax, please tick this box 

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