Personal Health Counseling & Guidance Pre-Free Discovery Call

Thank you for your interest in a free discovery call with Daria. To ensure that this call will be beneficial for you, please fill out this survey fully and in detail. Your responses will help us understand your needs and determine if this service is the right fit for you.

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Email *
Name *
Date of Birth
Age *
Location (City/State/Country)
What are your current health concerns or challenges?
(Check all that apply)
If you're not fully plant-based, what challenges do you face in transitioning? *
Do you have any known nutritional deficiencies or hormonal imbalances? *
Have you undergone any essential nutrient tests? *
Are you currently taking any supplements or nutritional adjuncts? *
Are you currently taking any supplements or nutritional adjuncts? *
How often do you turn to food for comfort when feeling emotional or stressed? *
How often do you turn to food for comfort when feeling emotional or stressed? *
Do you believe your diet impacts your emotions and mood? *
What are your current struggles with maintaining consistency in healthy eating habits? *
On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you in your ability to embrace and maintain a plant-based lifestyle? *
What are your primary goals for seeking this counseling? *
How ready are you to commit to making changes to your lifestyle? *
Have you previously worked with a health counselor or coach? If YES (please share your experience)
Why do you feel now is the right time to seek this counseling? *
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your journey or expectations?

Thank you for completing this survey!
We will review your responses and get back to you soon to let you know if you qualify for a free discovery call with Daria.
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