Fall 2024 Logbook Lotto!
This is the entry form for the Fall 2024 Logbook Lotto draw! Submit your logbook from for the Summer 2024 semester to be entered for a chance to win one of two $125 cash prizes. Winner to be selected randomly at the September TSSU General Membership Meeting (GM) of the Fall 2024 semester. If you have multiple courses/appointments, please make a separate entry for each.

More information on logbooks and logging hours can be found at logyourhours.tssu.ca

If you are having trouble or have questions, email tssu@tssu.ca.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email (e-transfer if you win) *
Phone Number
Department *
Course taught (e.g. CMPT 102 or SA 302w) or appointment description (e.g. Graduate Writing Facilitator) *
Job Category *
If you are a TA/TM, how many Base Units (BU) were you assigned? (e.g. 5.17)
If you are a Sessional Instructor or ELC/ITP Instructor, how many Contact Hours were you assigned? (e.g. 4.25)
Is this a writing-intensive course? (i.e. a "W" designation)
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How many hours did you spend on preparation? *
How many hours did you spend in tutorials/labs? *
How many hours did you spend holding office hours? *
How many hours did you spend marking? *
How many hours did you spend doing online course tasks? (i.e. responding to student emails, Canvas, etc.) *
How many hours did you spend doing other duties? *
How many total hours did you work for the semester? *
Do you have any additional thoughts or comments?
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