2021 Westane Public AMA Viewer Mail
Welcome to the 2021 AMA Question Form! During the AMA we will have a segment at the start of the night that's
similar to viewer mail. These can be questions considered On Subject like about The Company, Westane's work, etc, or  Off-Subject like tv, gaming, reading, etc. This segment will be a sort of warm up before we dig our heels in for the night and open the lines for everyone.

This segment is meant to be a surprise for Westane as he won't have time to prepare for them ahead of time. If you wish to get an off the cuff response from him, here's the chance. Note, not every question will be answered if we get a lot of them.

For now, Submit your Viewer Questions and we'll see you on the night of the AMA. Thank you!

As a reminder the AMA will be Saturday, November 6th, at 8:00pm EST
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