BVB's 4rd Annual Community                          Easter Egg Hunt 2025
Register for the Easter Egg Hunt here to ensure your family is set up for the Egg Hunt
Email *
Name *
Physical Address *
Phone Number *
Email Address? *
Head of Household Age ( Data purposes only) *
Gender? *
How many Adults are attending? *
How many children are attending today's event? *
Age of 1st child  *
Is there a different age group your child would be more comfortable in? *
If yes, please check
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Age of 2nd child  *
Is there a different age group your child would be more comfortable in? *
If yes, please check
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Age of 3rd child 
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Is there a different age group your child would be more comfortable in?
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If yes, please check
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Age of 4th child  
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Is there a different age group your child would be more comfortable in?
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If yes, please check
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Age of 5 child 
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Is there a different age group your child would be more comfortable in?
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If yes, please check
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Age of 6th child 
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Is there a different age group your child would be more comfortable in?
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If yes, please check
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