Root Ball: The 2024 Champion Tree Gala registration
Event date: January 18, 2025
Event Address: UT Conference Center - 600 Henley St, Knoxville, TN 37902
For questions or comments, please contact
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Please let us know here if you or one of your guests require an accommodation or service (such as sign language interpretation, large-print or Braille materials, wheelchair access, etc.) To discuss further, please contact
Registration cost

Big Tree Donors $1000:
- Reserved table at the Root Ball for 8 people, registrations included
- Logo posted on website and in program
- Company/Organization/Individual acknowledged on social media
- Recognition during ceremony
- Swag and gift bag

Midstory Donors $500:
- Root Ball registrations for 4 people
- Logo posted on website and in program
- Swag bag

Root Donors $250:
- Root Ball registration for 2 people
- Small thank-you gift
- Logo posted on website and in program

Individual Registration
- Root Ball registration for 1 person
- Add one additional guest for $25 (further guests must buy a separate registration)

Payment is processed through the University of Tennessee marketplace. 

Please visit this link: to enter the cost of your chosen registration. When prompted "What is this for?" during the checkout process, enter "Champion Tree Gala Registration" - for sponsorship other than individual, please note that as well.
I have paid my registration fee for this event at the above link.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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