PARAMI PROTOCOL GEN TICKET - Open Community whitelist form
Dear Genesis Shards community member

📌 We welcome you to PARAMI PROTOCOL - the upcoming Pre-IDO on Genpad

The Gen Ticket NFT Whitelist process for PARAMI PROTOCOL will begin shortly.

The whitelist will take place through a draw - in order to register for it, kindly fill in the form below.


Please fill in all the details accurately to be eligible for the PARAMI PROTOCOL GenTicket Whitelist. This form is open only until 1pm UTC on Tuesday, 18 May 2021.

Make sure that you have completed the following steps:


📌 1. Pick your preferred PARAMI PROTOCOL GenTicket!
Note : Black/Gold will have more allocation, but Silver/Pink will have higher odds of getting an allocation

📍 Allocation per GenTicket NFT by color -
Black - $650
Gold - $400
Pink -  $250
Silver - $100

📌 2. Re-tweet the tweet - -  including the two things mentioned below

✔️a) A PICTURE of the ticket you chose - The images for 4 types of Gen Tickets are in this Google Drive Link -
< >

✔️b)  Add the HASHTAGs #MyPARAMIGenTicket #MarathonMay , followed by the color
For example : if your color choice is black, you can say ' #MarathonMay #MyPARAMIGenTicket is Black ! '

📌 3. Fill out this Google Form only *after* posting the tweet (as you will need the links)

📌 4. Make sure you join the PARAMI PROTOCOL on Telegram & Twitter -

📌 5. Make sure you join the Genesis Shards Telegram & Twitter groups -

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email address *
Type this code: PARAMIGS (To verify you are human) *
Your Telegram Handle (Make sure you have joined all the groups mentioned in instruction) (if your handle is @xyz enter xyz) *
Your Twitter Handle (Make sure you have followed all the accounts mentioned in instruction) . Example - If your handle is @xyz, enter xyz. *
Select the type of PARAMI PROTOCOL Gen Ticket that you want to apply for: *
Please share the link to your GenTicket re-tweet. Ensure that the tweet has the image of the ticket you want, #MarathonMay #MyPARAMIGenTicket and the GenTicket color of your choice, eg: "#MarathonMay #MyPARAMIGenTicket is Black !" . IMPORTANT : Tweet link should be in this format - Linking to any other account's tweet will result in disqualification. *
Your ERC20 Address (Non Exchange). We will send the PARAMI PROTOCOL GenTickets to this address. It will be easier if it's an address with former access to NFTs (Ex. Metamask, Opensea Wallet, etc) *
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