Be a Guest on The Marvelus Podcast
Please tell us a little bit about yourself and the problem/challenge you overcame. If we think you're a good fit for an upcoming episode, we'll reach out to schedule a call. Thanks!
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Please provide your full name (first and last name) *
What's the best way to get in contact with you? (Please include best email address and/or mobile number)  *
Briefly describe the problem/challenge you overcame. If there are any circumstance that made it particularly difficult for you, please share why/how so? *
What was the most important/valuable thing you learned or gained through this experience? *
If you had to boil down the solution or strategy that helped you overcome this problem to ONE WORD, what word would that be? (For example: 'courage' or 'perseverance' or 'patience' or 'focus') *
Are you willing to go deep and get vulnerable with us about the thoughts, feelings, and choices you made along the way? (If there is anything you are NOT willing to discuss/questions you don't want us to ask, please tell us.) *
How did you hear about The Marvelus Podcast? *
Have you been a guest on a podcast in the past? If so, please share links to past media appearances with us below. (Enter N/A if this does not apply to you) *
Why do you want to be on the Marvelus podcast? 
Anything else you'd like to share with us? *
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